You’re Going to Hear Me Roar

So I stopped writing for awhile. HEY! I always miss this little blog buddy when I don’t write buttt I have a hard time coming up with things to say when I’m sad. Which… We live in China and work is so much harder than I ever thought it would be and we are both in bed at 7:30pm on this ugly Monday night because we are LAME and that is a depressing picture and sometimes I just get sad alright? These past couple of weeks have been a roller coaster. And not a very fast one either. I think I am riding the world’s worst, slowest, most hilly, head banging roller coaster ever.

Obsessions lately.

My kids are OBSESSED (all capitals and italics and bolds needed) with this song.

The rule is that there is no music if they’re talking so they’ve taken to shushing each other so that they can hear this song. I lie. This only applies to half the class. The other half of the class cannot get enough of this song.

I might start allowing them to talk through this one though. There are only so many times in one day that I can take it. Also I need to film them dancing bc it might be the cutest thing they’ve ever done in my class.

We got a package from Joey’s mom and it was totally Christmas in October. The box smelled like America. Glorious, sweet, fat America. The goods included Chicfila sauce, Chicfila Honey Mustard BBQ, gummy worms, laffy taffy, cowtails, 2 bags of candy corn, shirts made of Modal and my favorite kind of mascara and eyeliner. I know you’re judging. That’s ok. Every time I walk past the gummy worms, I smile and eat some candy corn. We are all kinds of weird over here and we are conquering one type of candy at a time. And yes, we’ve eaten Chicfila sauce with every meal. Sidenote: Joey gave our ayi a cowtail and she bit into it, smacked her lips a bunch of times and said ‘How, how, how, how, how, how’ really fast. How means good. It made us laugh so hard.

I feel it is my civic duty to make sure that you know what Modal is. It is literally the softest fabric you can wear. In case you need some inspiration…

One of my friends, slash also the girl who taught me how to lesson plan – invaluable right? I am very well aware that lesson planning should probably be learnt prior to teaching but you know me. I do things the most difficult way possible. Yea. Good thing I teach a total of 8 steps from her bc she is one of a few sane to my not sane (Remember how I married Joey and also how we conned two of our besties into moving to China with us). ANYWAYS. She went to the Land of Milk and Honey this past week and she brought me back this piece of Target goodness. If you know me at all, you know I buy a ton of workout clothes and consequently this is all I wear – this sports bra comes very recommended ladies. I hope you people understand that in order to get that link, I had to go to the Target website and now I am finding it very difficult to leave.

I leave you with this heart melting picture.



3 thoughts on “You’re Going to Hear Me Roar

  1. So happy to get a blog again………….my computer wouldn’t let me open the video, which was disappointing, but enjoyed the news.  So glad you got your package and are enjoying all of the things P

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