They YEARNED For Him

We spent our Friday night watching Christmas classics and taking Personality Tests because the pollution outside was no. freaking. lie. 231 units of something not good. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Home Alone 2 – important no?

ImageWe ‘knew’ HA going into this Chinese experience that there is pollution in China. We did not know what that meant. Basically it means that if the quality is close or over 200 – we both experience at least one of the following symptoms:  nausea, nose, throat and lung burn, chest pain. The solution is to stay inside which really is sad but vital when it gets really bad. The terrible thing is that the air quality in Dongguan is so much cleaner than up north in cities like Beijing. I cannot even imagine what the air must taste like there haha. I hope you were able to read the article this article is talking about. Unfortunately the first article has since been deleted.


Personality tests. First of all, go take it right now. Second of all, this test is weirdly accurate. It is only 4 questions and will literally take you less than 5 minutes. Try and guess which type is who’s hahahahhaha.

The Groundbreaking Thinker

The Sensitive Doer

This piece of art is on repeat in my classroom, in my house, in my head.

Echoing Their Joyous Strains

Casanova’s boo inspires some very strong reactions in the hearts of the baby gentlemen that abound in my class. She is frequently unwittingly at the centre of many many disagreements and chases. I have personally witnessed Casanova put a letter in her classroom mailbox every single day since December 1st. I will catch this sly move on video at some point I promise.

Last week, a new beau on the scene decided to come to her rescue after I asked her to collect her classmates’ pencils. One of her other admirers would. not. give her the pencil as asked. New beau, hereafter referred to as Sylvester Stallone, witnessed this exchange and decided absolutely no one could treat Baby that way. If this were a movie, he would’ve, came close to, oh how I wish this had actually happened, shouted NOBODY PUTS BABY IN A CORNER.

Instead of making my dreams come true, he went Sylvester Stallone style on the other boy and grabbed reached for his throat. When I say he went Sylvester Stallone what I really mean is that he literally flew across the classroom. I’m not sure if his feet ever actually touched the floor in his quest for justice.

This is my reality.

I cannot speak as to his intent. I can however say that Stallone is much quicker than I am and I need to work on my reaction times. Also please dear God give me the ability to witness these situations one half a second faster than they actually happen so that I can either get a good seat and grab some popcorn or be there to put the kibosh on them and LAY DOWN KINDERGARTEN LAW.

Baby? She just went right along with her bidzness.

China is aging me.


All my little elves ‘hard at work’.

Tell me you have seen this video.

Be moved by the Joy and Hope of Christmas this year.

Be changed by the straight glory of God.

Let Her Go



ImageGrocery shopping on Saturday morning.Image

At Stanley Plaza in Hong Kong there is a New York Fries. Surprise #1. 




“I refuse to have my first experience eating actual Poutine in Hong Kong.”ImageImage



I love Hong Kong.



Walking up to the Big Bhudda was the weirdest thing. So many people kept stopping to bow and pray every few steps. Inside the bottom of the Bhudda is this shrine. There are some places on earth that feel oppressive. To me, this was one of those places. 


If you made it all the way here… today (I won’t say where) I broke up a fight that involved attempted strangling. I also won’t say what the ages were of the people involved. Sometimes my life is more exciting than I give it credit for.

Sidenote: the new Hunger Games movie is am-az-ing. go. see. it.

Let Her Go – Passenger